-------------------------------------------------------------------- The A-Files Overall:10 Fiction:10 Artwork:10 Layout/editing:10 Favorites: (1) Agenda by Brandon Kaonohi because I thought it really kept up with the mystical air of the X-Files TV show... Least Favorites: (1) Didn't have a least favorite Other comments: (1) This was a hard one to pick a favorite with - I liked Irene Snyder Schwarting's 'Strange Bedfellows' as well. 'X-Degrees of Separation' was both informative and amusing. I enjoyed 'Through the Thin Veil' but I have absolutely no knowledge of the show 'Nowhere Man' so it was a bit awkward for me. Really, though four fabulous stories! -------------------------------------------------------------------- A-Team Collection 1 Overall:10 Fiction:9 Artwork:6 Layout/editing:7 Favorites: (1) incident in a tumbleweed town & enemy of my enemy because tumbleweeds=highly original,&beautiful;enemy just plain well done Least Favorites: (1) no least favorite Other comments: (1) overall a great read, lots of good stories. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Closed for Remodeling 1 Overall:9 Fiction:9 Artwork:6 Layout/editing:6 Favorite: (1) L Beatty's Something In The String Of G - Didn't think I'd like it, but it was just too funny! I loved it! because L.Beatty's SITSOG will leave you ROTFLYAO (2) Something in the String of G and Shadows in the rain because Jeez, where to begin! I thought this story really captured the humor of the Team! Least Favorite: (1) Mistaken Idenity because Didn't like like the general premise (2) Circumstantial Evidence because I have a problem with stories where one of the guys turns out to be the 'bad' guy, in this case, Face causing all kinds of trouble because he jumped to conclusions. I know fan fic is an author's opinion, but I just can't see the guys splintering like this - I think they're too secure in their relationships with each other. Other comments: (1) Circumstanial Evidence was a treat.Excellent story, intersting twist. (2) The cartoons by Leah Rosenthal are out of this world! What a talent! Again, I had a tough time choosing a favorite - "Shadows in the Rain" was an awesome read - so very different from 'Something in the String of G' which was very light-hearted. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Closed for Remodeling 2 Overall:8.5 Fiction:8.5 Artwork:9 Layout/editing:9 Favorites: (1) THINGS THAT GO BUMP IN THE NIGHT because GOOD ORIGINAL STORY, CHARACTERS TRUE TO TV SHOW, GOOD WRITING STYLE (2) Things That Go Bump in the Night because Loved it!! Witches aren't portrayed as evil but as 'wise women', which we are!! Least Favorites: (1) VISITING DAY because I DON'T BELIEVE MURDOCK'S INSANITY A COMPLETE FRAUD Other comments: (1) ALMOST LIKE BEING IN LOVE WAS VERY WELL DONE. (2) Great stories! -------------------------------------------------------------------- Closed for Remodeling 3 Overall:8 Fiction:8 Artwork:8 Layout/editing:8 Favorite: (1) Murdock's Miracle and Teamwork. MM 'cos miracles are always nice, and in Teamwork, interesting how Hannibal put the team together Other comments: (1) overall,a good read. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Closed for Remodeling 4 Overall:7 Fiction:6 Artwork:6 Layout/editing:7 Least Favorite: (1) Aftermath because who really cares about Stockwell and Carla Other comments: (1) Dr.Who fans will like the crossover Assignment Tardis. I understand now why there's no Closed for Remodeling #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Deadly Maneuvers Overall: 10 Fiction: 9.87 Artwork: 9.625 Layout/editing: 10 Favorite: (1) Notes From Someplace else and The Sound of Thunder II because Sad to feel his pain, sad to feel their pain (2) Sound of Thunder II and Notes from Someplace Else because Sound of Thunder was totally 'unfinished' on the TV version!! (3) One False Move because It was great to see Amy with a 'starring' role for a change (4) Sound of Thunder Part 2 because I love the way they all worry about Murdock. Least Favorite: (1) tried, but couldn't pick a least favorite because The stories are all so Good! (2) Honorable Enemies because Just didn't like it. (3) Genesis because I don't think it was developed as fully as it could have been. (4) It's Not Always Easy Being the A-Team because I think that that any of them not just Face could have been raped. Other comments: (1) THE ARTWORK!!! The four sketches of the guys - WOW!! These are sketches- right? Beautiful, each and everyone. Hannibal looked a little young, but nothing wrong with that. BA, oh my, if Mr. T saw it, he'd probably want to snatch it right up. Nicole,if you really did these four sketches, it's just not fair. I can't even trace half that good. C O N G R A D U L A T I O N S !!!!!! (2) I am totally thrilled with almost every story in this zine! (3) Overall, I think this was one of the most consistent zines I've ever read. And I loved the artwork - the photos were terrific! And the cover was beautiful! -------------------------------------------------------------------- Double Heat Overall:8 Fiction:8 Artwork:7 Layout/editing:8 Favorite: (1) Vets Stick Together and White Lines because What can I say? I like Face hurt/comfort stories. I can just see Face's reaction in VST regarding his 'doctor'. And I like how the guys support Face, helping him with his problem in WL. Least Favorite: (1) High School Drug Dealer because I felt is was lacking. There really wasn't much to the story. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Face Collection Overall:8.5 Fiction:8 Artwork:8.5 Layout/editing:7 Favorites: (1) "Comrades" because character development (2) Comrades because I like reading stories about the team before the 'incident' that put them on the run. I liked the show of feelings & concern between the guys. Least Favorites: (1) "In Nam we trust", and "Double Take" because didn't ring true, either one. I only like crossovers when they are really good. This one's mediocre. (2) The poetry because There is nothing wrong with it . It's just not my thing. Other comments: (1) better than the Hannibal collection (2) Geez, talk about Face having a bad day |: ) In this zine he gets beatup, blinded, killed, and shot not once but at least 3 times. A good read for fans who like hurt/comfort stories. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hannibal Collection Overall:6 Fiction:7 Artwork:4 Layout/editing:2 Favorites: (1)CONSPIRACY because HANNIBAL/MURDOCK WELL DEVELOPED,HURT/COMFORT,WELL WRITTEN Least Favorites: (1)TWICE AS MUCH TROUBLE because NOT BELIEVABLE, HANNIBAL HAS MORE SELF CONTROL Other comments: (1)There was a real good story where Maggie is 7 months pregnent with Hannibal's child but the printing is so faint you cant make out the story title at all, and parts of the story itself are guesswork -------------------------------------------------------------------- Leading a Horse to Water Overall: 10 Fiction: 10 Artwork: 10 Layout: 9 Favorites: (1) single story - I liked the entire thing! because Defnitely a different story line! Face and Decker!?!? Really, I thought the author did a fine job of making it believable - well, as much as possible! Least Favorites: Other comments: (1) Interesting story layout - a first person, three person tale. Read very briskly! -------------------------------------------------------------------- Losing Face Overall:8 Fiction:8 Artwork:7 Layout/editing:9 Favorites: (1) a tie - "The Lengthening Chain" & "Fair's Fair" because one was short and sweet; the other was more complex and heartfelt Least Favorites: (1) the Battlestar Galactica story (sorry, can't remember the title!) because I hate being reminded of the G:80 eps. "Return of Starbuck" and it was too sad! It was well written, though. Other comments: (1) Can never go wrong with a good Face story/'zine!! -------------------------------------------------------------------- More Than Just A Team Overall:9 Fiction:9 Artwork:7.5 Layout/editing:8.5 Favorites: (1) well, there was only one story, so it's a tough choice... :) because long, drawn-out, hurt/comfort - gotta love it! Other comments: (1) Really got a feel for the love between the four guys, even if Murdock and B.A. did fight a little more than they probably would have. (2) I enjoyed this story very much. Although I like the action in the show I also like exploring the relationship between the characters. The author wrote true to the show and did not get too complicated with the storyline. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Murdock Collection Overall:10 Fiction:10 Artwork:10 Layout/editing:10 Favorites: (1) the legacy of nam because it was a good story with some backgrond information Least Favorites: (1) snoopy went down because didn't want to have murdock die Other comments: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Open for Business Overall:7.5 Fiction:7.5 Artwork:8.5 Layout/editing:6 Favorites: (1) the first one-can't remember the title of of it because it had to do with murdock (2)no favorite - well maybe Gift Certificate or Nobody Does It Better because Lots of descriptions of Murdock making love, & like Lori says, Nobody does it Better Least Favorites: Other comments: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Outrage Overall: 10 Fiction: 10 Artwork: 10 Layout/editing: 10 Favorites: (1) Short Rations because Just a light, amusing read Least favorites: Other comments: (1) I really enjoyed the entire thing - all three stories. I thought "After the Showdown" was quite good and the title piece "Outrage" was an interesting story. But, oh my, does it leave you hanging!! (Lucky for me I know a sequel is in the works!) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Plans Scams & Vans 3 Overall:9 Fiction:9 Artwork:9 Layout/editing:9 Favorites: (1)"All For One" because Irene is just the best! She captures things so well! Least Fave: (1)"Intertwining Fates" because got lost. Felt like the characters were just shells of themselves. Other comments: (1) Loved the cover! Stories were all excellent. First 'zine I received, and kept me coming back for more! -------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Debriefing Overall:10 Fiction:10 Artwork:10 Layout/editing:10 Favorites: (1) the ones with murdock Least Favorites: (1) it shouldnt happen to a vette because it was face Other comments: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Slap in the Face Overall:7 Fiction:8 Artwork:5 Layout/editing:8 Favorite: (1) just one story, so I'll go with "Slap in the Face" because very original, and lots of Face!! :) Other comments: (1) Got a little too long. I loved Murdock's sudden obsession with the rest of the team's sex life! Wasn't so sure I liked all the negative prejudices against country folk (hey, I am one! Kinda..) The twists were great. Decker's daughter! Oh my! -------------------------------------------------------------------- Tales from TAT 1 Overall:6 Fiction:6 Artwork:10 Layout/editing:9 Favorite: (1) Sombody Inside of Me because I liked the plot idea - one of the members becoming the hunter rather than the hunted and the strong feelings between the guys that aided in their escape. Least Favorite: (1)The Poetry because There is nothing wrong with the poems. They're just not my thing. -------------------------------------------------------------------- The A-Team File 4 Overall:10 Fiction:10 Artwork:10 Layout/editing: 6 Favorite: (1)it's one long story and it's good because Loved Crazy Charlie Connors Other comments: (1)Nice story - more like a novelette -------------------------------------------------------------------- Whatever Gets You Through the Night #1 Overall:10 Fiction:10 Artwork:10 Layout/editing:10 Favorite: (1) "An Interesting Plot Twist" because the Murdock/Face relationship was handled so well! Least Fave: (1) "Recon 1" because rather...raunchy...who were those characters, anyhow? Other comments: (1) How can I not love the first 'zine I was published in?? The pictures were wonderful!! The title says it all. --------------------------------------------------------------------![]()