For all the incredibly hopeless Dwight Schultz fans out there in webland.

Launched October 5, 1997.
Last updated September 9, 1998.

Hi, I'm Sockii, and I'm a Dwightaholic. Are you? If so, then you've stumbled onto the right place, because we've got just what you need to satisy your addiction!

Stuff on this site...

The first thing any good Dwightaholic needs is a stash of pictures. These are ones I've scanned in or snapped off video-tapes. Hope you enjoy.

Once you've downloaded to your heart's delight, you can find an extensive filmography for Dwight on my A-Team cast credits page. Make sure you haven't missed anything. Later I'll try to put up more detailed descriptions of these various films and TV appearances, for the uninitiated.

Check out Helen's great list of reasons why Murdock is the best member of the A-Team!

Of course, you should spend some time on my main A-Team Homepage while you're visiting. There's plenty of Dwight-relatedinfo and more pictures to be found there.

Want to read some fan-fiction featuring characters played by Dwight? I maintain an A-Team Fiction Archive which contains many Murdock-centered stories by the wonderful author Lori Beatty. Also, you can check out The Lurker's Den, my Babylon 5 fan-fiction web'zine. Several stories by different authors feature our favorite lurker from Down Below, Amis.

Are you a creative Dwightaholic? Do you haveyour own ideas for stories involving your favorite madman or bashful engineer? Then send us your story for THE DWIGHT PAPERS, a fanzine which will be dedicated completely to Dwight! Too good to be true? It will be, if we don't get your submissions! For more information, visit the Sockii Press Homepage for more information.

Dwightaholic Links...

Other fans have put together their own fabulous webpages, and you should check those out. Here is our master list 'o links--if you know of something that's missing here, please let us know!
The Ballad of Reginald Barclay Want to annoy all your friends at work and elsewhere? Learn the lyrics to this wonderful filk song, and sing it everywhere you go.
Barclay's Homepage Let's hear it for the most interesting character from Next Generation! Lots and lots of pictures...
The Church of Murdock At last! The Church has its own homepage.
The Dwight Schultz Shrine An appropriate name for a nice info site about Dwight.
Fighting Nighthawk Commandoes One of the most vocal and trouble-making Dwightaholic factions out there - proceed to their Headquarters with caution!
Holo Hero An article about Dwight & his role as Barclay.
Love Ya Baby, Really Mean It One person's report from behind-the-scenes during the filming of "Fat Man and Little Boy".
Murdockaholics If your affliction is most specifically Murdock-oriented, then themay be able to help you out. They have some nice pictures involving SHORTS.
10th Anniversary Another article about Dwight & Star Trek.
UFO Magazine Homepage If the web and all your video tapes can't satisfy your need for MORE DWIGHT, go to this site and order some audio tapes of Dwight co-hosting Don Ecker's radio program, "UFO's Tonite!" There are some pictures of Dwight lurking throughout this site as well.

Still not satisfied? Then confess your needs and the hopelessness of your addiction in the Dwightaholics Guestbook. You can also read the confessions of other Dwightaholics by viewing the guestbook.
Guestbook by Lpage

Send comments & questions to: Thanks for dropping by!

PS - Thanks(??) to Rhonda who inspired me to do this (and didn't even know it...)

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