For another site with news on the movie, though the latest information on the page is dated August 12 of 1997, visit
"Meanwhile...Cannell's plans for a big-screen "The A-Team" aren't coming together as fast as planned. After Universal gave a thumbs-up to the script, it was decided the story could be better, and new drafts of the screenplay are now being written. No telling when casting will start. Meanwhile, Cannell has finished the screenplay for his current "King Con" novel, and is halfway through penning his fourth non-fiction book."
Attention Nicole: 1-25-97 I need your help. I have been in contact with Mr. Benedict concerning the chances of getting the original cast back in a television movie special, and even the movie. He has informed me that everything comes down to Mr. Cannell. As loyal fans we need to write him and stating that we want the orginal cast, not just some big names. They are the ones who made the show appealing to all of us. Aside from the fact that Mr. Benedict's character as well as Mr. T's was written especially for them(who better to play them). If we can generate large quanities of letters stating that we want them, there is a good chance we can change Mr. Cannell's mind. Maybe even get him to consider a television movie special. With all the fans that read your newsletter as well as the home page, I know you could benefit our ultimate goal. They take letters very seriously, one letter is equal to many people's opinion, can you imagine what hundreds could do. You could generate the necessary letters needed to make such an impression on Mr. Cannell. Would you be willing to put this in your newsletter as well as on the home page with Cannell's address. I only have the Univeral Studios address at this time. But even so, he would get the message. We need to show our support for Dirk Benedict, Mr. T. and Dwight Shultz, by writing him. If we truly are fans of the show, we need to speak out and make a difference. With your help we could. Thanks so much, Joyce
Here is another letter from a fan on this subject:From: To: Subject: Fans should speak out! How come The Rockford Files, Hunter, and Wiseguy (all Stephen Cannell shows) got to have TV movies with its original cast? Why_Because the fans spoke out. How come Star Trek the TV series became a big screen movie, 10 years after the show went off the air and still starred its original cast? Why_Because the fans spoke out. How come The A-Team is going to be a big screen movie and NOT star its original cast?????? Maybe its time WE speak out. I don't want other actors playing The A-Team. I want them to cast the original actors. THE REAL A-TEAM. What made the show so great was the chemisty between the characters and actors. No one else can recreate that. And without that chemistry this movie is just going to be another action flick_but with The A-Team name. I know that George Peppard not being around anymore makes things difficult. But that doesn't mean the rest of the cast can't return. I rather see them replace Hannibal than see them replace all four. If we all feel the same way, we can do something about it. Just like the fans of those other shows. I know it sounds like a long shot. But if the fans of the shows I listed above never went for that long shot, those movies would have never been made. Those fans did it. So can we. (If we want to) Gina