These are questions we still need answered for this FAQ. If you have
any information you can provide to clear up the mystery, please email it to:
- What were the Team member's birthdays, according to the video Stockwell
watches in "Dishpan Man?"
- What medals did each of the Team members receive in the military?
The following people all contributed information that helped with the
compilation of this FAQ list. Thanks to all of them for their help, and my
apologies if I've forgotten anyone!
- James Bambauer, for Peru-tv information.
- Christopher Bender, for providing information on the A-Team
- Gill Dunn, for HELLO magazine article on Dirk Benedict.
- Peter Hewlitt, for information on the A-Team paperbacks and the
A-Team cd.
- Justin T. Huang, for information on A-Team weaponry.
- Brandon Kaonohi, who looked up credits on some of the A-Team crew
and provided questions and other stuff!
- Michele Lellouche. A big thanks here - her wonderful A-Team
episode guide/bibliography/history in the 1990 fanzine DISTASIS (published by
Laura Michaels) was the source for much of the information here on Cannell,
NBC, A-Team ratings, production changes, etc., etc. She deserves much of the
credit for researching all this stuff and then allowing me to use her guide as
a basis for much of the material here.
- Adam Marti, for suggestions on the origins of the "A-Team"
- Laura Michaels, for letting me use the information in DISTASIS.
- Kenny Moir, for providing a copy of an obituary on George Peppard
from "USA Today."
- Tracey Phillips, for Raleigh-area TV info.
- "Rich" in Australia, for Australian airing times.
- Rita Ractliffe, who took the time to look up all of Hannibal's
medal's while researching a story.
- Sarah Tindall, who wrote a piece called "Templeton Peck" which
appeared in the fanzine "Face to Face" (from Halo Press, now out-of-print) and
made one of the most valiant attempts at piecing together Peck's biography
from all the conflicting information on the show. I used this bio as a basis
for much of the information included here on his bio, but not all of it
because I did not agree with some of the author's conjectures on how it fit
- Nancy Lynn Wilson, for DC-area TV info.
- THE A-TEAM FILE, Issues 1 and 2, fanzines published in 1983 and
1984, respectively. Published by AAA Press, 92 Thurlow Park Road, West
Dulwich, London SE21 8HY, England. Used for biographical information on the
- DISTASIS, edited by Laura Michaels, fanzine published 1990. In
particular the document "A-Team Episode Guide" by Michelle Lellouche. A few
copies of this 'zine may still be available, you can email or write to her at
PO Box 6514, Delray Beach, FL, 33482, USA for further information.
- EPI-LOG, The Television Magazine of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and
Adventure, Issues 18 (May 1992) and 19 (June 1992). These two issues
contained an extensive A-Team episode guide. Copies may still be available by
writing to: Epi-log magazine, PO Box 1322, Dunlap, TN 37327.
- HELLO magazine, article on Dirk Benedict (Fall 1996).
which was used for locating cast & crew credits.
- TV GUIDE. The following issues: March 10, 1984 ("Six Days with
The A-Team?"), November 29, 1986 ("Kicked Around, 'The A-Team' Seeks Nielsen
- SHORE LEAVE 17 Program Book.
- "Wacko," US MAGAZINE, (unknown Issue, date.) Article on Dwight Schultz.
...and many many more small newsclippings and articles from all over the
place, that are simply to numerous to remember!
- July 16, 1996: Version 1.0b first released.
- July 22, 1996: Version 1.0. Some typos & formatting problems fixed.
Information added to H.M. Murdock's "Bio," Dirk Benedict's Bio, Marla
Heasley's Bio, Melinda Culea's Bio, Rob Bowman's credits, famous guest
stars, Face's corvette, Raleigh N.C. dropping the show.
- July 26, 1996: Version 1.01 Formatting changes/typos corrected. Noted more
episodes where Marla Heasley appeared. Added question regarding A-Team
sound and movie files on the web page.
- July 28, 1996: Version 1.02. Small corrections made, added information on
Australian airing times.
- September 25, 1996: Version 1.03. Added information on "A-Team" name,
updated airing information.
- November 17, 1996. Version 2.0. Revised format, additional information
on Dirk Benedict, minor correctonis throughout text.
- May 24, 1997. Version 2.1. Revised information on what an "A-Team" is;
included addresses for writing to Dirk and Dwight; injury list.
- September 20, 1997. Version 2.5. Minor changes here & there, revised info
on A-Team weaponry.
- March 23, 1998. Beginning revisions, additions, and corrections on what
will become version 3.0.