- AM I THE ONLY A-TEAM FAN LEFT ON THE PLANET? Absolutely not! If you were, there very likely wouldn't be this FAQ list here now, would there? There are MANY A-Team fans today, some who have been fans since the show first aired, some who discovered it in syndication over the past few years; also many people from countries around the world where the show still airs regularly today or did in the past.
- OKAY. SO WHERE ARE THESE A-TEAM FANS? Many of them are hanging out on the A-Team email list, ONTHEJAZZ. ONTHEJAZZ is actually two things in one: a "real-time" email reflector, and an A-Team electronic newsletter. The real-time list is where messages posted to a reflector address is automatically forwarded to all people who subscribe to the group. This forum allows AT fans on the Internet to talk about anything and everything related to TAT, the actors, and related issues. The volume of mail on the reflector varies dramatically, some days with only 1-2 messages, other days more in the range of 20-40K. It depends on if an interesting topic comes up. The group is not a moderated list, but certain rules of conduct and netiquette are thoroughly enforced. The electronic newsletter is a long (20-30 K, typically) email message sent out to all ONTHEJAZZ subscribers approximately every two weeks, compiled by Nicole Pellegrini (me). The goal of the newsletter is to summarize any recent news about the show and the cast members, showcase fan-fiction and old articles about the show, trivia questions, and anything else that seems to fit. You can subscribe to the message reflector and the newsletter, or only the newsletter. The newsletter is *not* a digest of messages from the reflector, and the reflector does not have a digest mode (yet - we may in the future get a listserv address.) There is no charge for receiving either the newsletter or the reflector messages (except, of course, your connection time to your Internet provider). For further information or to subscribe, email sockii@earthlink.net.
- WHERE CAN I FIND THE "ONTHEJAZZ" NEWSLETTER ARCHIVES? There are currently one person who maintains an archive of the ONTHEJAZZ newsletter on his web page. You can reach the archive at: The A-Team On the Web (Netherlands): http://www.xs4all.nl/~jmm/a-team/ If for some reason you cannot access the web, then these newsletters can be emailed to you directly if you ask me (politely :-). Volume 1, the first years newsletters, are available in a hard-copy format as well. Please enquire ifinterested.
- CAN YOU PUT SOME A-TEAM SOUND FILES AND MOVIES ON YOUR WEB PAGE? Or, "please send me some wave files" or "please send me the Theme song." Yes, theoretically I *could* put sound files or movies on the page but I'm not planning on it primarily because these files are so huge and take up lots of storage space. Perhaps in the distant future if I get a web page with *lots* of free memory. If you're desperate for A-Team sound files you can find some on Jasper's web page at http://www.xs4all.nl/~jmm/a-team/
- WHERE CAN I FIND A .WAV FILE OF THE A-TEAM THEME SONG? I don't have it. Some places on the web you can go to get it include: http://satsuma.sys.uea.ac.uk/~ben/sounds/ateam.wav http://www.xs4all.nl/~jmm/a-team/sound/at_theme.wav (the old theme) http://www.xs4all.nl/~jmm/a-team/sound/newthem2.wav (the 5th season theme)
- WHERE IS "THE A-TEAM" AIRING TODAY? That's a good question. Syndication schedules tend to change very frequently and unpredictably. Usually a station buys the rights to air a given program for a fixed number of times in a fixed time period. When that time is up, they have to renew the rights to air the show again. With the help of OTJ subscribers the following list of stations airing TAT currently has been assembled. Please note that I will try to keep this as up-to-date as possible, but this is subject to change at any time:
- The United States: The cable "fx" network has recently begun airing "The A-Team," 7 nights a week, in the early evenings. Check your local listings for the exact time in your area.
- Australia: Pay TV - Galaxy, channel TV1, Fridays at 10:30 pm.
- Peru: The show is currently airing at 5 pm weekdays, I don't know which station.
- WHERE CAN I GET A-TEAM VIDEO TAPES? Right now, only through people who have managed to tape them off of original and syndication airings and would be kind enough to make copies for you. However, we have been campaigning hard to get Columbia House to start carrying TAT in their video library collection. Last word was that as soon as they found a source for original tapes, they would in fact be adding the show (thanks in no small part to our campaign!) If you wish to check on the progress of this "search for a source" and/or just remind them of your interest in A-Team videos, you can: 1. Go to the Columbia House Homepage at http://www.columbiahouse.com/ 2. Write them at Columbia House, 1400 North Fruitridge Ave, P.O. Box 1114, Terre Haute IN 47811-1114. 3. Call them at 1-800-457-0866. For any updates on our progress, check the Video Campaign Page at http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~pellegri/video.html
- WHERE CAN I FIND A-TEAM MERCHANDISE? The best places to find merchandise today are at Media Conventions, through collectibles' publications such as "Toy Shop," and from private collectors on Internet newsgroups such as rec.collecting, rec.toys.action-figures, etc. "Toy Shop" is available for sale in most good bookstores and newsstands, as well as in many comic-book shops. Besides that, there's not much you're still going to find down at your local toy shop as it's all out-of-print by now. Sometimes discount and used bookstores will have the novels. Also, you can check Mr. Lee's Chinese Laundry Shop, Jasper's A-Team page for collectors to post what they have for sale and what they are looking for.
- WHERE CAN I FIND THE A-TEAM SOUNDTRACK CD? If you can't find it at a local record store (it is an import from England, but some large stores in the States such as Tower and HMV may carry it), check with specialty tv and movie-memorabilia dealers. The on-line record store "CD World" had been carrying it and at a good price, so you can check http://www.cdworld.com also. Finally, you can write to the manufacturers at Silva Screen Records, Silva House, 261 Royal College Street, London, NW1 9LU, UK. Catalogue no. is FILMCD701 (FILMC701 for cassette) in UK and SIL5701.2 (SIL5701.4 for cassette) in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Elsewhere I don't know about. The music all comes from 1st season episodes with specific passages from "Mexican Slayride," "Pros and Cons," "The Out-of-Towners," "The Rabbit that Ate Las Vegas," and more. The track list is: i) Theme From The A-Team ix) Showtime ii) Young Hannibal x) Move, Sucker iii) BA`s Ride xi) Let's Get Busted iv) The A-Team In New York City xii) Murdock's "Face" v) Bandits! xiii) Helicopters vi) Taxi Chase xiv) More Bandits vii) The A-Team Escape xv) Theme From The A-Team viii) The A-Team Prepare For War
- WASN'T THERE A SERIES OF A-TEAM NOVELS? Yes, and it's not too difficult to find them still in $1 Stores and used book- stores. Their titles were as follows: 1.The A-Team. (based on pilot) 2.Small but Deadly Wars (based on "A Small and Deadly War" & "Black Day at Bad Rock") 3.When You Comin` Back Range Rider? 4.Old Scores to Settle (based on "The Only Church In Town" & "Recipe for Heavy Bread") 5.Ten Percent Of Trouble (based on "Steel" & "Maltese Cow") 6.Operation Desert Sun: The Untold Story (original story of the Team`s 1972 escape!) 7.Bullets, Bikinis and Bells (based on "Bullets and Bikinis" & "The Bells Of St. Mary`s") 8.Backwoods Menace (based on "Timber" and "Children of Jamestown") 9.The Bend In The River 10.Death Vows (based on "Till Death Us Do Part") All books (except for #6) were adaptations of actual A-Team episodes, as indicated above. Books 7-10 were only ever released in the U.K. They are apparently all available still, except #10, through mail-order via: Sugen & Co. Prospect House 5 Saunter's Way Riccall York YO4 6NY U.K.
- ARE THERE ANY GOOD BOOKS OUT THERE ON "THE A-TEAM," CANNELL, AND THE CAST? Dirk Benedict has written two books, "Confessions of Kamikaze Cowboy" (Newcastle Publishing Co, 1987, ISBN #0-87877-096-8) and "And Then We Went Fishing: A Story of Fatherhood, Fate and Forgiveness" (Avery Publishing Group, ISBN #0-89529-559-8). "Confessions" deals mainly with his early career and specifically his battles with cancer. There is a little information on TAT but not much. "And Then" is primarily about the birth of his first son and the death of his father. Mr. T wrote a biography, "Mr. T: The Man with the Gold" (1984, St.Martin's Press, New York). Again this book mostly focuses on his pre-AT years. One book has been written on SJC's work and career, entitled "Adventures On Prime Time." (by Richard J. Thompson, New York, Prager, 1990). For information on NBC at the time of the show's start, "The Sweeps" (by Mark Christensen and Cameron Stauth, New York, Morrow, 1984) is supposedly a great source. Also, if you are a fan of the A-Team's musical score, you may wish to check out "TV's Greatest Hits," which contains a section on Mike Post and Pete Carpenter that's supposedly very nice.
- WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH FANZINES? WHERE CAN I GET THEM? If you're asking about this, then you've probably dropped by the A-Team Fan Fiction and 'Zine Index or heard mention of the topic on the mailing list. Media fanzines are amateur-produced publications devoted to providing information and original fiction based on television and film shows and characters. There have been more than a few A-Team fanzines produced over the years (albeit mainly in the eighties, and predominantly from the UK) and many A-Team stories that have appeared in multi-media 'zines. Where can you find them today? Most of the old 'zines are out of print, so your best shot is to buy them used at conventions or through collectors. Some 'zines may be available in reprints currently, as indicated in the fanzine index. Sockii Press currently has 4 A-Team fanzines in print and available and is planning more for the future. For information on our publications (some of which are even available for electronic downloading) you can go to our website, Sockii Press.